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Latest Feedback from Crossroads to us on Sep 23rd, 2022

From: Crossroads - General Enquiries <> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 1:04 PM To: <> Subject: Many thanks

Dear Patrick and friends, How wonderful of you to raise funds through SimplyGiving to help underprivileged children through your project “Believing is Seeing”. Thank you so much for your wonderful heart that cares for others. Your example has been of great encouragement to us all. Your generosity and kindness results in genuine transformation in the lives of people in need. Below are two examples of how lives are being transformed in this way and just how far-reaching the impact of your donation can be. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS IN GHANA

We recently sent a 40’ container of donated goods to our partners in Ghana, West Africa, to support them in their work which focusses on improving educational facilities, clean water access, and healthcare for vulnerable communities who rely mostly on subsistence farming. They were delighted to share their gratitude through a series of photos. New shoes from the container were given to local farmers and construction workers. Some of these farmers have had no shoes for many years, doing their farming barefoot. “They were thrilled with joy and tears on their faces, as they received shoes,” wrote staff. Our partners also provided clothing and other essentials to support 800 families displaced by the devastating 2022 Bogoso gas explosion that destroyed the lives of many within the community. Five schools received computers from the shipment – the very first computers at each of the schools – which allowed them to offer ICT classes for the first time. Classroom furniture, that had once sat in schools in Hong Kong, are now being used by eager Ghanian students, grateful to have their own chairs for the first time. HONG KONG: RICE IS LIFE

As a mother, one of Mrs. Kwok's biggest concerns is the health of her children. She used to have a rice cooker, but she found the inner coating of her rice cooker was scratched, flacked off and dropped into the rice. On the one hand, she was worried that it would be harmful to her family's health; on the other hand, she was struggling to buy a new rice cooker as it is very costly. Mrs. Kwok was happy to receive a new rice cooker through the distribution day hosted by one of our local partners and Crossroads Foundation. She uses the rice cooker every day. She loves the function of steaming and found that she only needs 30 minutes to prepare a meal for her family. Mrs. Kowk had also been able to pick some clothes and a very popular comic book for her son. Her son was so happy and would love to have few more comic books of the same series in near future. With her children growing up so fast, she is grateful she can meet the urgent and ever changing-needs of our children through distribution days like these. In a part of the world where ‘rice is life’, we love being able to give such a truly practical gift to help sustain families. We could continue to share story after story of how goods no longer needed are making a strategic impact in the lives and communities of those in need. Thank you once again for being a part of these stories, and thousands more like them, through your kindness. We are grateful indeed. Yours sincerely, Liz Begbie, for the Crossroads team Liz Begbie Director, Administration & Community Sign up to our enews here.

Ref.: CRF-10306/ftyl 09224

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